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The network of Shirk in Egypt: Shirk = Economic Poverty, Tawheed = Economic prosperity

Published on Aug 16, 2012
"And Allah puts forward the example of a township, that dwelt secure and well content; its provision coming to it in abundance from every place, but it (its people) denied the Favours of Allah (with ungratefulness). So Allah made it taste the extreme of hunger (famine) and fear, because of what they used to do." (An-Nahl 16:112)

The exegetes explain this verse to be in reference to Makkah in its origin, but that it is a general rule and pertains to all inhabitations. Thus, amn (security) and rizq (provision) is provided by Allaah, and when His favours are rejected through shirk (polytheism), kufr (disbelief), bid'ah (innovation), and ma'siyah (sin, disobedience), then that amn and rizq turns to khawf (fear) and joo' (hunger, poverty).

This is a clear, explicit, plain, divine law. Whoever mocked and reviled this and the lawaazim (binding necessities), as in what is corollary and follows on from this, then this is mockery of Allaah's qadari, kawnee and shar'ee asbaab, his divine law and wisdom, and this is major kufr, and whover mocked anyone who spoke with these laws, intending by that mockery and revilement of the content of what was said, as in the revealed texts and their lawaazim, then if he knows that this is divine law, and intends to mock it and belittle it, he is a kaafir (this is takfir bil-wasf only) upon whom it is obligatory to repent. And whoever intended mockery of the one who spoke with such content, then he is certainly a god-forsaken ignoramus for whom khayr has not been intended and he is in a dangerous, precarious position.

Once this is established (and this is only one of many verses which firmly establish this divine law and whatever follows on from it), there now comes the issue of the ways and means through which such fear (khawf) and hunger, poverty (joo'), the opposites of amn and rizq reaches the people. And Allaah is the doer of whatever He wills, He can bring upon fear, hunger and poverty through whatever ways He wishes, be that through famine, be that through war, be that through repressive political structures, be that through the interplay of unfair economic activity between nations, be that through defeat or colonization by another nation, be that through removal of the Sharee'ah laws which guarantee amn (safety) and adl (justice) and protection of one's blood, wealth and honour, or be that through an oppressive tyrannical ruler as a recompense for the deeds of the servants (in order that they may return) and so on. Those who deny the favours of Allaah through ungratefulness are taken by istidraaj (gradual, imperceivable onset of punishment) as is mentioned in the Qur'an, and this too will have its associated multitude of ways and means through which it is effected and which only Allaah knows.

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