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The Ruling On Putting Personal Pictures In Social Networks [like Facebook, Twitter and etc]

Issues Related to Muslim Women's photo.
Sisters, by uploading your pictures on social networking sites (in hijab, OR niqab), you invite the kind of PERVERTS that you would NEVER come across in real life.
Please stop sharing your photos/pictures online. With hijab/niqab , or WITHOUT.
You have NO IDEA what kind of people will come across your pictures and what they would do with those photos.
So please show the wisdom of removing all pictures from your social networking profiles and save yourself from falling prey to the many online wolves that prey upon pictures shared by so many sisters unaware of this huge harm and evil!
The Ruling On Putting Personal Pictures In Social Networks [like Facebook, Twitter and etc]
This questioner asks on the ruling of putting personal pictures as a member on websites especially on Facebook and Twitter?
Shaykh ´Ubayd bin ´Abdillâh al-Jâbirî:
I say that the pictures of souls are haram and it is from the kabaa’ir (the major sins).
The Messenger, [salla Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam], said: “The people who will be most severely punished on the Day of Judgement will be the image-makers.”
And he, [salla Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam], also stated that the image maker will be presented with an image and it will say ‘Blow a spirit therein, which he will not be able to do’.
And from this we know that it is not permissible to publish pictures (images) of people in Twitter or other networks. When the agency responsible (for the networks) request a picture for a specific matter such as licences (for traffic) and security (passports etc) and other authority bodies that employs a person, then it becomes necessary or in need of. And it cannot exceed further than this.
Source: miraath.net/fatwah/4378